December 26, 2010

transformation in progress

gonna make some changes on myself
first of all, dye my hair using liese bubble hair dye, either in chestnut brown or platinum beige if this colour is available here in kk
as you all know, how ''advanced'' kk is
then get an ear piercing, but obviously i'm not going to pierce on my earlobe
still figuring out where to pierce tho
lastly, an inspirational quote ink on my clavicle, not exactly on it but maybe below it?
i already have my mind what to ink
so we shall see again after i decide with the tattooist

a brand new year
a brand new change
i want to change everything
been through a lot this year
suckiest year ever
but of course i won't change my inner part
except some bad habits i must get rid with
imma work harder, study hard like real hard for my last semester, care lesser on particular matters since after all it doesn't matter anymore
you don't fucking break your own promises again DORIS KUNG!

December 25, 2010

blessed christmas

after had a awesome long talk this morning with mimi
i never felt this great before
she is putting effort on me
and trying to be understanding as i'm still a teenager
thanks again for sponsoring my outfit for new year eve
perhaps you can get me the NIKE YELLOW POLKA DOT DUNK HIGH too?
ohhh i'm being greedy again haha!

what i had promised,
i'm doing fine right now
i'm slowly pulling myself back together again
thanks Jesus for hearing my prayers
December 24, 2010
寂寞不痛 痛在念舊

寂寞不痛 痛在做夢


时间 希望真的如此厉害
我很好 真的 假的
December 09, 2010
im so going to deal with dad personally
whats wrong with my brain?
im so doomed this time!
the very 3rd times in this year
November 28, 2010











November 16, 2010

< / 3

i feel no love from you
what do i mean to you i can't even sure
a little promise to myself
let's don't make you my everything
cause i know, once fallen,
there is no turning back
October 27, 2010


i believe i will collapse anytime
if i continue to let the irrepressible desire haunted me down
she is right
there will be 2 roads for me
first, succeed
second, you are testing me and doom, i will be in hell
October 20, 2010

♥ ♥ ♥

It's your fault my face hurts from smiling all day long ;)
October 16, 2010

jealousy overflood

working time is at 12noon later
wonder why i wake up so early
can't really sleep in and well recently
been thinking about a stupid question yesterday
have no guts to ask
or perhaps no guts to know the answer

no one to blame with
as usual i'm the one who brought in everything
fuck you jealousy!
you did a good job in torturing my mind and soul

tearing inside and outside once i think about it
now you know how much that person means to me
October 14, 2010


要就私底下 哈哈哈
骗你的 想都不要想!
October 13, 2010

Lot of lovessss

Thanks to Eling,
even though we can't celebrate together in recent years
but you will always be the first one in my thank list
hearts you lot!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Thanks Joyce,
who prepared the party for me
and always listen to my ''ngam cham''
bring me out for MCD, luk luk and fruit juice
nah i promise will help you halau lalat dont worry XD ♥♥♥

Thanks Xueyee,
nothing much can say to you
you know i love you very very much!! ♥♥♥

Thanks Abby and Malcom,
you guys are like my big sister and brother
always take care of me in every ways
how can i not sayang you guys? ♥♥♥

Thanks Shuyee,
for the delicious chocolate cake!
it tasted soooooo good!

Thanks Laura,
for the headband and keychain
you know what?
you really are my best partner in crime ever! ♥♥

No thanks to Kuku,
for always bully me, being heartless to me, 'concern' as in 38 bout my humble life and so on
nahh! just kidding!
you are a very good friend that i can really lean on when im down, let me untie your shoelaces anytime anywhere and and and i have no idea dy
seems like you treat me not good enough hahahhaa
but dolly still loves you =) ♥

thanks to Lopez for the vodka,
Geoffrey and Jeremiah attended the dinner

Thanks for those who sent wishes thru fb, msn, texts or phone calls
you all rock and may GBU ♥
October 11, 2010


if i write down everything here
i bet eling will kill me for uncovering myself
but but...
what am i going to do?
the feeling is over flood

if that person ask me the magic question
i will definitely turn on!
October 10, 2010

龚芝怡 - 明知我爱你

告訴你 瞞著你 只不過是個決定
放棄你 忘記你 只怕我無法前進

明知道我愛你 卻不敢告訴你
我害怕失去你 寧願沉默不語
該如何整理 幸福在手裡
我恨自己 無能為力

明知道我愛你 卻不敢靠近你
我假裝不在意 反而痛了自己
多痛都可以 不能沒有你
你知不知道我也沒關系 (真的沒關系)

告訴你 瞞著你 只不過是個決定
但為何 到如今 我依然無法前進
我越了解你 越靠近你 越猶豫
October 09, 2010

you are the drug

i don't even know what i want now
so sick of confusing myself every seconds of the day
to be frank, i like you very very much and i'm not afraid to tell
you really mean something to me
but why do you have to doubt it when i tell you that i like you?
it hurts A LOT!

well, it takes all of me to stop looking for you automatically
i don't want to fall deeper when i know i won't get anything in return

i'm currently metal torturing myself
listening to emotional song to make me feel better
August 19, 2010

Borneo Project 2010

不多些 最近真的很懒

First BP meeting

Numbak home visiting


K, Junya, Saki, Mayu

Mars, Ms. Akiko, Rachel, Sha, Misaki, Erika

Me, Monami, Yamato, Makiko

Toshi, Yukiko, Natchan, Chuya

BJ, Junya, Misaki, Me, Natchan


August 11, 2010

那么用力地笑 那么用力地掩饰
August 10, 2010


你可能不知道 那是我全部的勇气了
以后 都不会再有了

那种痛 我现在才体会到
那样做 并没有换来解脱


July 29, 2010

意外地 你还留着


July 26, 2010
I can't force anyone to tell me what happen
she is like that
she is like that too
I don't want to see any of my friends suffer for their own
It gives my heartache seriously
but what can I do?
be there for them
I always will

July 23, 2010


21号 那个晚上是我永远不会忘记的一天
老实讲 我还蛮期待下一次


May 31, 2010

✿ blue

I have no idea what is wrong with me
I just need somebody to hug me tight
Eling is far far away from me
even if she is here, does she want to let me hug?
Joyce is not available at the moment

monday blue oh monday blue
May 29, 2010

✿ confuse

I've been up and down this week
really shitty I'm serious
I usually go to bed at 9
but now, you still can see me online at 3 in the midnight

people know that I don't really drink
drink as in alcohol
I guess, it is needed now
but who can take care of me until I'm sober after drunk
best friend is not around

what am I thinking actually?
it's not going to happen anyway
please Doris Kung I beg you
only this week is enough
don't do this to yourself

everyone has their own things to go through with
I don't want to bother people with my problem

✿ 幸福





有你们 真好
May 27, 2010

✿ 失魂落魄

最近 诸事不顺
真的 不搞笑

回到家后 那瞬间的寂寞和空虚
才发现 其实我一直在强颜欢笑
夜睡 使我夜夜笙歌

May 25, 2010

✿ 4th

I feel a lot more better after chilled with darlings and seniors
you guys are great, really
but still, one goes another comes
one of my bestie is leaving soon for further studies
am I still able to bear with all these?
life still going on anyway
I have no any other choices

first assignment was given yesterday
it's a huge one no kidding
but cooperate with my nice and understanding team mates
there is nothing much I have to worry about
more assignments will be coming continuously
I'm well prepared and back on track

orientation for juniors is finally ended
been asked to help through the whole event
what can I say?
I was hell panic when I led the new students to visit around school compound just now
luckily I still managed to speak not-so-broken english
it was embarrassed because I couldn't explain everything about our college like the senior did
at least I tried right?
will do better next time

Xueyee, I'm missing you.
May 24, 2010

Break out

我今天一定要写 不然我不能睡觉

很想骂‘屌你老X’ 可是很粗我知道


好好告诉你 ‘是的’
你却反问我 ‘怎样知道’
回答你 ‘我自己懂得去找答案’ 你却讲我SOMBONG
请继续骂我LC巴閉到死 你骂得出我受的起

我自己都照顾不来了 哪里还有本事照顾你们
真的无能为力 真的不好意思
拜托 我求求你们菩萨们
我只是普通人一个 也是有脾气的
May 13, 2010

✿ not bad



✿ wish

I've lost my blogging mojo
this is not good man please give it back to me ='(

just hereby to wish
MY BESTFRIEND the coolest

May 06, 2010

✿ out of randomness

i'm sitting for final exam now
tomorrow is the last paper
btw it's moral paper yet I still have time to blog and relax
because I've no single idea how to study that
I langsung tidak bermoral one so please bear with it

guess what?
some of the results are out
B1 B2 and C1 WTF
must be kidding me
that's U-N-F-A-I-R
lol why should I care
not worth it!!!
April 15, 2010

✿ belief

assignments and the interview has been driving me nuts this two weeks
but now, I'm done with them
shall concentrate on my final exam studies from now on especially moral
I still need 12.8% or less then that to pass the passing marks

I always believe that I can do it
and I will do my best =)

April 08, 2010

✿ first time

I went to donate blood just now
it was a charity event organised by seniors actually
they said my blood was red and pumped bloody fast LMAO
and I'm pretty proud of myself =)
March 28, 2010

✿ 我的梦想


我心力交瘁 无能为力
March 27, 2010

✿ chasing

went for movie with joyce, merle, felix and anthony after class
The Haunting in Connecticut
it wasn't that scary as I thought
even felix who doesn't dare to watch haunted movie said so too
while waiting my mum to pick me up
merle followed me and joyce window-shopping and the two boys went to FunSquare

my life is pretty busy recently
So much too yet so little of time
I've done nearly all my assignments
but I feel like assignments are still chasing right behind me
I don't do last minute works now
I finish them as soon as I can
and I'm kinda proud of myself =)
March 25, 2010

✿ magazine

my very first self-edited magazine cover page
what do you think?
i love it so much and i'm proud of myself

credit : (background picture)
March 23, 2010

I am supposed to start doing the social responsibility's essay
but I ended up DIY a new pocket for my cellphone
they said my sewing skill is good
seriously, I still need to improve it
going to buy laces, pink fabric and button tomorrow
the first one is just experiment
March 22, 2010

✿ island trip again

last saturday was epik awesome
I like Pulau Sapi the most among other islands in Tunku Abdul Rahman Park
pick up the rubbish in the island was our main purpose
the management of Pulau Sapi did a great job in the cleanliness of the island
so there is not much rubbish we can find

March 20, 2010
我在等 时间来把事情淡化
不要硬把他的事情 统统套在我身上
我们不是情侣 是个体 个体你懂吗
我也有我的 人生 思维 处理方式

人们误把我的失望 看成生气
事情过了就算 其实也没什么
道歉 我没有不接受
至少 这是唯一对我的公平 对我的教训

第二次的机会 是我帮他们争取回来的
没有告诉你 其实知道的人也不多
难道 这还不够证明我有几在乎这段友情吗
我只想默默地弥补 把对每个人所造成的伤害减到最低

我也学会 现实地处理事情
March 17, 2010

✿ consequences

yes, everyone convinced me that I did the right thing
it's very confusing and frustrated to be in this kind of situation
for them, I am a torn now
should I expect them to understand my situation?

some of them might think that I am too emotional and selfish
is that wrong if I just want to prevent my future and as well as getting hurt?
I did my job and every responsible in this assignment
one of them gave me the wrong data last minute
instead of telling him about this, I fixed everything by my own
I got no time to wait him to give me another one without any error
another one, he assumed that he has to work, in an unfriendly tone
and seems like now is my fault again I can't wait until 8 o'clock
think about it
you got home at 8
you need to bath, take your dinner and have a rest
one hour enough for you?
9 o'clock you start finding information
your job is quite easy, only find history, benefits and videos
basically everything can find from internet, just need to copy and paste it down
I can wait, never mind
but how much time do I need to finish the slideshow
one hour is enough? hell no
I have to make it as nice as possible so that we can get more marks
the next day, I expect you guys come to me and ask what should do during presentation
same as yesterday, no one care when I was doing my part of slide silently at class
pity me, I was waiting like an idiot until the last minute before class starts
at least show me that you care, then everything will not happen
chances are given, but no appreciation in return
one of them just realized his wrong data has been changed
I was really wondering, do you expect to use my hard work, please note that, its my damn hard work
to present you part and get the same high marks as me?
is this fair enough to me?
tell me is my fault again and I will just shut my mouth up

how do you feel when you are panic, serious in the assignment you need to present it tomorrow and you have limited time to finish it, and only one person show that he cares this GROUP ASSIGNMENT?
you've been through this, remember? business report?
you stressed all over yourself during exam because your group havent start anything even a page and the presentation is tomorrow
put yourself into my shoes
if you scratch my back, I will scratch yours too

你可以到处去诉苦阿 告诉别人你朋友我怎样不留情面
怪我啊或什么的 没关系
我顶多必须承受别人异样的眼光 接受后面射来伤人的利箭


March 16, 2010

✿ 代价

this morning was really awful to me
I felt like crying, but I cried off all my tears yesterday night
friendship or my rights, my rights or friendship
no matter whats my decision at the end
I will lose something that is important to me

可以怪我 没关系
生气我也好 讨厌我也罢
什么都往肚子里吞 对不起我做不到
我不能因为你们的不在乎 连关乎我前途的事情也要和你们一起陪葬
知道吗 到最后连虚伪的问候进度 你们都不愿意给我

I'm glad that I still have friends who care much about my feelings
and telling me how to handle this kind of situation =)
heart you guys

thank you,
I've learned another important lesson in my life because of this

March 15, 2010

✿ bullshit

可是 我总觉得哪里怪怪的

像他们一样 把东西丢给别人 咻一声拍屁股走人
然后明天自生自灭 等死
可是 这关乎我的前途 我不能不在乎
硬着头皮 也要把presentation完成

March 11, 2010

✿ planning

am planning my trip to Taiwan again
hope Eling can make it
there are many nice and cheap lodge houses in Taiwan *drooling*

I feel so bad that I can't make it to Vietnam with Jansson
next year lar, book me before I go other places =)

March 09, 2010


Please, please heal him
He is a very kind person to all of us
we love him, his family need him

please stay strong, like you always do!
I will pray hard for you

✿ what if we have all the money and time

travelling together with friends is one of my little dream
was discussing about Taiwan trip with Eling and Vietnam trip with Jansson
Shukmun just came back from Taiwan and Charles will be going to Taiwan on August
wtf I want to go too
Eling, please please please convince your mum =)

Ms. Ruhaidah is going to bring us to Labuan this coming April
hoooray! at least I get to go somewhere else first
but everything is still under discussion

Customer service trip to Pulau Mamutik was a huge success
Moral trip to Pulau Sapi is ON
Mr.Ramesh's trip... I have no idea =="
I wish to go Polish Bay, heard about this place is awesome
March 04, 2010

✿ i'm officially broke!

haha great!
another about-books-post
by the way
this is my 500TH post!!!
congratulation to myself =)

those books were only RM8 each
I couldn't help myself to stop buying books
you might think of
''nah you buy it but you won't even touch a page''
I do read all my books

Reading is an addiction

March 02, 2010

✿ bookworm

I'm not showing off here
just want to share books that I bought last month to you guys
1. The World Unsolved Secrets (with cd) chinese edition - RMB 150/RM72.50
2. 再苦也要去旅行 - RM31.70 after 10% discount
3. The Tenth Circle - RM32.60 after 10% discount
4. 中国自助游2010 - RMB 39.80/RM20
5. Twilight Breaking Dawn - RM35.80
6. House of Night Tempted - around RM25 after 20% discount

the 1st and 4th book were bought from China
gee the books there are very cheap, but of course,
most of them are written in chinese
I still have 6 books in my to-buy-list
but I am lack of cash now ='(

by the way
do you know that when you said those words right in front of my face just now,
you were actually stepped on my tail?
think before you speak out next time
yeah right, I don't like to share?
you blame me for that?
Is this the fact?
let's alt-F5 your memories,
whose notes you were using for your last two semester's exam?
do you need my help to refresh?
It is YOUR responsibility to listen carefully, not my responsibility to find out the answers for you
mind me to tell you, they are all inside the book.
they won't run away from you
It's kinda disappointed those words came out from your mouth

February 26, 2010


I wrote a message to her inbox
telling her how I feel after waiting for 3 months and get nothing

I whispered in my heart silently
that everything will be fine, hope so
February 20, 2010

✿ miao

it's almost 5 o'clock in the morning now
just came back from Firefly and Whiteroom

I was shocked, like mad shocked
3 of them know why
dear friend, you seriously need to take good care of yourself there =)
don't make me worry ok?

by the way
my Shanghai trip was extremely good
will update soon
be patient

February 09, 2010


finally got my baby ♥
don't you think it is gorgeous?
Thanks Charles for bringing it back for me

had a great afternoon with Charles, Tee, Jansson and Shiz =)
let's eat luk luk together next time!!!

nah forgive me
I have lost my motivation to blog once again >
February 05, 2010

✿ Happy Birthday, KK

doing the Moral assignment now
1000 words essay

''In 50 years time from now, what could be an additional development of KK city that we can be proud of and how could we substain the environment without destroying them in order to achieve the future city development.''

bless me.
February 02, 2010

✿ very awkward!

sometimes Moral class can be fun when it comes to these kind of topics
sex, couple, and money
I was shocked when Chua Hong Tee told me that he actually read my previous posts!!!
it's ok if he read those recently one, but not!!!
he read those way back to February 2009, the time when I first know him in Korean Class
wei, don't mention this in class eh! It's embarrassing you know?
you are no longer the quiet, cool, charm ''fake korean'' guy anymore
after I know the real you, my illusions shattered hahahaha
wonder why my mum likes him so much O.o


lunch-ed with Eling at Maple
sorry ah peng you, din't managed to spend much time with you
busy with my school life have to go Shanghai during Chinese New Year
luckily you are understanding enough
hugs and kisses ♥♥♥
hey I think we shall travel together next time
this is one of my dream you know?

nothing much to blog
shall start to do my assignment for Recreation Tourism
have to pass it up tomorrow ><

January 31, 2010

✿ 솜사탕

Holding your hand in the warm sunshine
We sing Lalalala as we go on our sweet date
One spoon of sugar with your heart
And before I know it, my heart has become as big as a cloud
Youre like cotton candy, My heart melts
Just looking at your fluffy face makes me melt
What if I blow and you fly away, what if I touch you and you melt
Im so disappointed when you disappear with the blink of an eye
Youre like cotton candy, You melt on my lips
Should I fly away with you, our lips gently touching
Youre like cotton candy, my heart melts
Just looking at your fluffy face makes me melt
The tip of my nose is tingly tingly, because I like you
Youre like cotton candy
Youre like cotton candy, You melt on my lips
Should I fly away with you, our lips gently touching
Youre like cotton candy, my heart melts
Just looking at your fluffy face makes me melt
I melt, I melt

a very very relating song believe me!
I wasn't lokking forward to it because I din't thought of member of Big Bang can sing such soothing song ><
January 30, 2010

✿ wanderlust

can't wait to get new ♥ next next week
thank you, baobei.
you cannot imagine how excited I was
I shouted like nobody business when he showed me on webcam

mum paid for the first
great, but still have to save money!
I will want the second, the third, the fourth continuously
bear with me

I feel embarrassed to ask people help me to get things
should learn how to buy online
first, I need an bank account
don't laugh, I don't have this habit to save money into bank bah ish!

why Taiwan got EVERYTHING I want?
why Sabah so lousy?

January 28, 2010

✿ apperception

things to do today:
1. get up
2. survive (by killing the zombies behind my backyard)
3. go back to bed

oh crazy, at least do assignment and read some books, Doris Kung
don't waste your holidays like this!
alright, k I get it.


Breath and let go, even you know it will never comes to you.
January 27, 2010

✿ pressie

we were eating ice-cream, wifi-ing, facebook-ing, doing assignment, playing Plants vs Zombies early in the morning at Museum Cafe
Xueyee was reading my new bought book =)
told you the book is nice!
class started at 1145am-1245pm
that's why we choose to waste our time at the cafe instead of classroom

and guess what I was doing?
I was waiting for my cds and souvenir from Chua Hong Tee
he is back from Taiwan
ignore the cds because I paid for them haha
my darling Show Luo is so cool!!!
I din't expect he will get a very big and chio Stitch's keychain for me
不怪的你今天特别帅 哈哈哈哈哈

Charles is getting me the Spongebob X Stage Skull SB Tee I want from Vancouver
of course lar not FOC, gila meh!
pricey you know?
I kept considering and discussing with him whether I should or shouldn't buy
then at last I decided to buy at least one piece of Stage tee in my life
hopefully there is available stock
otherwise I will cry die die ='(

January 25, 2010

✿ the journey must go on!

customer service class had been canceled due to Mr.Yeo is resigned
no more cold jokes ><
he is actually a nice lecturer, wondering who will be our new lecturer
called Lawrence and asked him no need to rush back to college
then I decided to go Centre Point alone
went up straight to Popular Bookstore and get myself the book as shown above
walked around the bookstore before I pay for the book

headed down to Secret Recipe for my ''self hi-tea'' section
ordered drink and start reading the book I bought
it's a very interesting book I can tell
the author is from Sabah, Malaysia too
her blog>> click
she even opened a cozy home style lodge for backpackers in Jeju island, Korean
I am going to make her my idol from now on
goddamn jealous she can travel over 50 countries by herself
my mum will never let me to do this, even with friends
yeah mum again ==''
just wait and see, I will travel all by my own in one day after I get a job
this is a promise for myself


✿ 找到了

an extremely blessed week I had last week
everything seemed so smooth for me
Lawrence knows why hahahaha
hey bro, see I told u almost everything
don't say I ''fat hao'' ok?
it hurts XD

17days later
I will be in China again
hopefully I get to meet up with Charles before my trip
and of course my Irene Chua
this little girl is really hard to date her out
I've been booking her since 2 months ago?

planning to get myself a STAGE tee
I know my mum will never let me buy online
but but but
haahahhaha I will make use of Chua Hong Tee when he is back from Taiwan
dayem the Spongebob design is so adorable uber chio
January 22, 2010

✿ patient

先讲明 如果这没有针对谁是骗你的

我不懂 为什么你父母赐给你的双耳你不好好利用
观察你很久了 发现你每次讲师讲什么你都没有专心听
知道吗 有时他已经重复第二遍了
如果你哪里不懂 我很欢迎你来问我 
偶尔 不要每次
可是如果是你没有专心听课 后果拜托请自负

顶 我脾气一向不好 目前在改进中
所以我逼着自己去忍耐 避免火山爆发
也因为你是我的同学 我会忍

我不是神童 不是所有一切我都知道
我善用父母给我的嘴巴 去发问 我的耳朵 去聆听
不要什么都问我 很烦 知道吗
January 21, 2010

✿ 沈先生

guess what?
I met the Shanghai men at terminal again just now!
We were glad to see each other again
He even left his number for me because I told him I might go to Shanghai this coming Chinese New Year
you can't imagine how happy I were
It's incredibly awesome!
he took photos with us, and of course
I took out my cellphone to take picture with him too

I'm not bluffing
I do really think I will be a really good tour guide or tour leader in the future
January 20, 2010

✿ 烦

is doing business report now in student rest room
squeezing my brain juice to decide the questions for questionnaires

just now I was a little bit fed up at someone
I just don't get it
why he can still calling me almost every morning to ask where our class is, what time our class is
I did gave everyone the timetable with which classroom we are using on it,
one more thing about the cs3 classroom today
I did announced which classroom we are using yesterday, either Cempaka or Teratai
you heard what I said, everyone heard what i said
can you make use of the timetable and listen carefully to lecturer about the change and stuffs?
what for I waste my time to type and print out the timetable for you guys?

planning to combo movies tomorrow
Haunted Universities, Legion and Tooth Fairy

I did a great job just now
helped a Shanghai tourist and his family to find a bus to Tanjung Aru
but they switched to another more suitable bus at the end
I felt really happy and proud of myself when he said thank you to me with a smiling face
even I'm still not professional in Tourism
at least in this minute I manage to help tourists using the knowledge I learned

January 19, 2010

✿ fun

class was fun today
especially during Moral class
Malcom! Don't simply hit my head next time hahaha
you know the consequences
ps I'M EVIL~~~
I will take revenge during class I tell you!
I bet today's class was very fun for you right?
Hope you enjoy it XD

going to do start doing my assignments tomorrow
I'll not procrastinate no more

one more thing,
should I use my angpau money to buy Ipod Nano?
I really want one ><
January 17, 2010

✿ book

omfg I think I've just bought a wrong book
history-like novel is seriously not my type
my english standard is still way too far, I can tell
dayem I should stop murmuring and do the reading
what can do? I cannot dump it aside
I paid for it, I mean my mum yang paid for it 頂我個肺
It might take gazillion years for me to finish this book ==''

never judge a book by its cover, and its title

ps I have applied for Popular bookstore member card =)

✿ call

another crazy,energetic night I had yesterday
broke my own record again by going home at 3am
then woke up at 6am, rolled on my bed untill 8am
and here I am, blogging =)
I kinda like night life now, not the clubbing night life I mean
talk-cock-ing at cafe, playing L4D2 in the midnight with friends could be fun sometimes

around 5pm, Eling came and picked me up to her house
we played Lami since we had enough kakis
mind me, I'm always a noob when it comes to these symbols - ♦♠♥♣

headed to Growball at 6pm
met up with Chan, Raymond, Abin and Nathaniel
Jason was the boss, he spent us for the movie
''Woohoo 大日子'' semua full house ==''
so we watched ''The Spy Next Door''
it's a must watch movie! lmao
saw Abby, Ryan, and Marilyn too

Frenz Cafe next
we gossiped everything hahahaha
past tense, present tense and future tense
it was fun =)

L4D2 after that
I texted my cousin, Tony when we were still in cafe
to ask how was him lately
then yadaa yadaa yadaa he asked where were me
no doubt I told him about everything
and I won't be home before 2am
140am he called, for the very first time in his life and my life hahaaha
ps he is living in Kuching, yet he still called me in the middle of night
warned me not to hang out till so late
I finally know the feeling of ''brother-ly love''
gor, I'm good girl bah! I still sleep early almost everyday XD
remember? I told you before that I am a geek right?
Which means night life is not my stuff at all
I bet I've made him kinda speechless yesterday

pss my english is back to ''limited company level'' when I stop reading book fml

psss dayem Chua Hong Tee is currently enjoying his happy happy holidays in Taiwan. I'm jealous!
January 15, 2010

✿ pain

我觉得很累 真的很累
就算以前面对怎样重要的考试 我都会笑看一切

我在乎 不再幼稚的做事
可是身边有些人 却...

有利于自己的 不要犹豫
别人的想法 不关我的事

today was really awful for me
not only today, this whole week
headachey and so tired
I tried so hard to focus in class
my head was bursting
they said I look down and gloomy
sorry guys, I don't feel like talking recently

it's friday
finally, I can rest for a while now
my 3rd semester schedule is packed
class everyday fml

January 14, 2010

✿ save me

assignments drive me crazy
we rushed 2 today
do you think it's fun?
no hell no!

they are watching Sex Drive now
lame movie, again.
you can see men PRIVATE PART inside ==''
haha they got high, but I don't

other than that, nothing fml
January 13, 2010

✿ recess

currently enjoy my lovely recess surfing the net
since I bring my broadband along, I don't want snatch the wifi service with others
everyone is facebook-ing around me, and Merle is commenting my status hahaha
I din't have my lunch, no appetite

Lawrence is on the way
I'm going to split everything out to him
erhem not confession alright hehe
just friend's talk

we talked,
but not much he could advice
poor me please stop thinking about the icky matter
impossible ok Doris Kung!
Thanks, buddy
for everything!

January 12, 2010

✿ craps

crap! my life is not as yummy as the cupcakes above
this post suppose to be finished this afternoon
but I'm confusing
about something 'abnormal'
yea for me that matter is ABNORMAL
it's icky!!!
dayem I need to talk with my buddy, Lawrence about this
I have to get rid of it!
yes I told him I NEED to talk with him, how weird

alright back to school's topics
let's clap your hands~
huge assignment given for EVERY subjects
no kidding man
business reports, interview, research about airports, bla bla bla
and probably,
there are MORE coming soon
screwed screwed screwed
everything is screwed!

ok I'm not complaining here
this is what I want for
so I will try my best to do it
achieve it haha

January 10, 2010

✿ reality

this might sound crazy, I know
but somehow this idea just pop out from my mind
''let's go to the island, ALONE.''
nah I know, I should stop thinking about this
concentrate on my studies is more important than anything

I can go wherever I want after I get a stable job
fyi, I'm currently study Diploma in Tourism Management
and one year more later, Certificate in Basic Tourist Guide will be the next
some people said,
oh, come on
I don't dream impractical dream
I know this is what I want
you see, people out there work so hard for their whole life
but they don't even have a chance to travel
what for?
this job, tour leader, does't really earn money
so? at least I get to go different countries few times in a year

ignore me
I'm just too bored haha
January 07, 2010

✿ shh

will off to bed right away after post this
I'm sick, again
plus menstrual pain.

let's see, I'm not going to talk about my ''first'' day of class
I've complained a lot about this in facebook.
confusing, not organised, and what can I say?

combo-ed 2 horrow movies just now
Paranornal Activity sucks
go watch it if you have insomnia problem
Ju-On, confusing as always
the best part was only when I see my Seito ♥
too adorable to ignore

end of story

ps. I got A3 for communication skils, B1 for financial =)


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