Tsugaike Mountain Resort: A Year-Round Adventure Paradise
Ah, Tsugaike Mountain Resort. Where do I start? I have been there 3 times
now, with so many photos almost...
5 weeks ago
I wander for distraction, but I travel for fulfillment.
Yeah man!Its over!!!What is over?Orientation!!Hahaha.Not fully over la..tomorrow got class party only.Then,the end and bye-bye!!Haha!But,finally!The studying part of the orientation is over!!!2 weeks I've been studying in class.*Pengsan*After tomorrow..my holidays begin.But,trust me..It's gonna be freaking boring!Holidays sucks!I miss Annabelle,Audrey,Mackayla,Gunting(XD),Who Who(XD),Kencing(XDDD),the lesbian girl(XDD)&Max(Audrey and Annabelle,I mean it AS A FRIEND!=])..lol.But,so far..they are the seniors that I enjoy talking with.Hmm..forgot to tell you guys that I'm in green house.I wanted to be in blue..but oh well.Green house..ok la.Not that bad after all.Lol..the seniors in that house are kinda cool.Lol!So hopefully next year..I shoud be ready for secondary school eh.Haha!Oh well..actually..being in Tshung Tsin isn't bad after all.I hope that I will improve in my studies and stuff.Gahhh...lazy to blog now.Lol.God bless.
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