do you think I really want to ke poh about people?
I don't even give a shit to them
telling you it's not a good idea not to attend classes tomorrow
first day of class is really important to give good image to your lecturer
since you said you've your plan and reason bla bla bla
fine I will leave you alone and stop nagging like I'm mother of yours
p/s you have to learn this seriously, ask your lecturer or senior-in-charge bout everything in college, not your friend or even me
i know you are trying hard to earn money so that you can meet up with your girl friend in Australia
but do you ever think that what can you give her if you don't have a good future?
study now can give you and her a BETTER future than what you can give her now
or you don't think you and her can last long? sarcastic enough.
my words maybe harsh but think about it
and don't ever say this to me
'' i'm not like you everyday stay at home''
first, where do you expect me to go? work? I also want what. but I have family trip to Sarawak and I have this serious family issue to deal with. Which boss is so kind-hearted to hire a worker on leave for so long?
second, I stay at home not only eat, shit, sleep and online. I did revision and read english book to improve my lousy english so that I can talk confidently in front of everyone and my future customers.
third, my house only got one car and my mum need to use it. yea you also can blame me not taking license. I admit it I lazy fat ass and I don't give excuses for this.
you said that you accept what I am
you know I don't hide my emotion
that's why I'm here telling you the truth and not only because that is my opinion
accept it or not it's up to you now
rest well
you also know i always be here when you need me
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