October 27, 2010


i believe i will collapse anytime
if i continue to let the irrepressible desire haunted me down
she is right
there will be 2 roads for me
first, succeed
second, you are testing me and doom, i will be in hell
October 20, 2010

♥ ♥ ♥

It's your fault my face hurts from smiling all day long ;)
October 16, 2010

jealousy overflood

working time is at 12noon later
wonder why i wake up so early
can't really sleep in and well recently
been thinking about a stupid question yesterday
have no guts to ask
or perhaps no guts to know the answer

no one to blame with
as usual i'm the one who brought in everything
fuck you jealousy!
you did a good job in torturing my mind and soul

tearing inside and outside once i think about it
now you know how much that person means to me
October 14, 2010


要就私底下 哈哈哈
骗你的 想都不要想!
October 13, 2010

Lot of lovessss

Thanks to Eling,
even though we can't celebrate together in recent years
but you will always be the first one in my thank list
hearts you lot!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Thanks Joyce,
who prepared the party for me
and always listen to my ''ngam cham''
bring me out for MCD, luk luk and fruit juice
nah i promise will help you halau lalat dont worry XD ♥♥♥

Thanks Xueyee,
nothing much can say to you
you know i love you very very much!! ♥♥♥

Thanks Abby and Malcom,
you guys are like my big sister and brother
always take care of me in every ways
how can i not sayang you guys? ♥♥♥

Thanks Shuyee,
for the delicious chocolate cake!
it tasted soooooo good!

Thanks Laura,
for the headband and keychain
you know what?
you really are my best partner in crime ever! ♥♥

No thanks to Kuku,
for always bully me, being heartless to me, 'concern' as in 38 bout my humble life and so on
nahh! just kidding!
you are a very good friend that i can really lean on when im down, let me untie your shoelaces anytime anywhere and and and i have no idea dy
seems like you treat me not good enough hahahhaa
but dolly still loves you =) ♥

thanks to Lopez for the vodka,
Geoffrey and Jeremiah attended the dinner

Thanks for those who sent wishes thru fb, msn, texts or phone calls
you all rock and may GBU ♥
October 11, 2010


if i write down everything here
i bet eling will kill me for uncovering myself
but but...
what am i going to do?
the feeling is over flood

if that person ask me the magic question
i will definitely turn on!
October 10, 2010

龚芝怡 - 明知我爱你

告訴你 瞞著你 只不過是個決定
放棄你 忘記你 只怕我無法前進

明知道我愛你 卻不敢告訴你
我害怕失去你 寧願沉默不語
該如何整理 幸福在手裡
我恨自己 無能為力

明知道我愛你 卻不敢靠近你
我假裝不在意 反而痛了自己
多痛都可以 不能沒有你
你知不知道我也沒關系 (真的沒關系)

告訴你 瞞著你 只不過是個決定
但為何 到如今 我依然無法前進
我越了解你 越靠近你 越猶豫
October 09, 2010

you are the drug

i don't even know what i want now
so sick of confusing myself every seconds of the day
to be frank, i like you very very much and i'm not afraid to tell
you really mean something to me
but why do you have to doubt it when i tell you that i like you?
it hurts A LOT!

well, it takes all of me to stop looking for you automatically
i don't want to fall deeper when i know i won't get anything in return

i'm currently metal torturing myself
listening to emotional song to make me feel better

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